Sudan must not respond to the drumbeat of Egypt’s war against Ethiopia

Sudan must not respond to the drumbeat of Egypt’s war against Ethiopia

يجب على السودان عدم الاستجابة الى قرع طبولالحرب الذى تقوم به مصر ضد اثيوبيا

By Mahmoud A. Suleiman

This article comes against the backdrop of the threats of the Arab Republic of Egypt to launch a fierce warfare against Ethiopia for its construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) and its program for filling it. The proverb says that sedition is asleep; God’s curse is on those who awaken it.

Sudan continued suffering from the decades of the Egyptian exploitation, which has plunged Sudan into hard-to-resolve suffering; especially the woes its citizens in the former Halfa region went through and they were displaced from their homes and lost their farms and possessions to be moved to the unknown. Sudan should beware of getting involved in dirty political axes and falling into the trap from which it is impossible to get out.

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Does the news of Life Imprisonments for the former Bosnian Serb military chief Ratko Mladic open the eyes of the Sudanese judiciary to take the decision that the victims’ families have been calling for so Long Time

Does the news of Life Imprisonments for the former Bosnian Serb military chief Ratko Mladic open the eyes of the Sudanese judiciary to take the decision that the victims’ families have been calling for so Long Time

هل الخبر عن سجن مدى الحياة لقائد جيش صربالبوسنة السابق راتكو ملاديتش يفتح أعينالقضاء السوداني لاتخاذ القرار الذي تطالب بهأسر الضحايا لفترة طويلة ؟

By Mahmoud A. Suleiman

This article comes against the backdrop of the news that has surfaced and been coming rapidly across the globe about the trial of one of the perpetrators of the crimes of Bosnia and Herzegovina, General Ratko Mladic. Accordingly, the Sudanese citizens are asking unabatedly as to whether those heinous crimes will open the eyes, conscience and the minds of the people of Sudan and their post-Glorious December Revolution leaders to send the aforementioned criminals to The Hague? Furthermore, the unanswered question says as to whether the legal penalties issued against the criminals of Bosnia and Herzegovina are applied to the criminals of the heinous crimes against the citizens of Sudan in the Darfur region? What a similarity between today and yesterday; as the novel writers tend to say? Furthermore, is this the hidden truth that emerged today on the surface to astonish everyone who read or heard this news? The story referred to revolves around the certainty of news; though it is to some extent ironic and partly unexpected that the Serbian leader, Ratko Mladic, was tried after about a quarter of a century yesterday, Tuesday 14th of June 2021, for the crimes of war and crimes against humanity and genocide. The goal, as determined by the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), was “ethnic cleansing” – the forcible expulsion of Bosnian Muslims, Croats and other non-Serbs to clear Bosnian lands for a Greater Serbia.

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القصص القصيرة فى تراث الزغاوة للدكتور محمود أبَّكر سليمان

القصص القصيرة فى تراث الزغاوة
للدكتور محمود أبَّكر سليمان

صدر في الفترة الأخيرة بلندن كتاب بعنوان “القصص القصيرة في تراث الزغاوة للكاتب الدكتور محمود أبكر سليمان. الكتاب يحمل في طياته مجموعة من القصص القصيرة الشيقة التي تسرد المخرون الثقافي لدي أهل السودان بمتطقة دار زغاوة من خلال توارث الأحاجي عبر الأجيال. تحدث الكاتب في مقدمة الكتاب عن أصل الفكرة، أسباب الإهتمام بالقصة والتراث، والإرث الثقافي، المراجع ومنهجية البحث وأسلوب الحصول على المعطيات. واليكم بعض المقتطفات من المقدمة

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